If a sibling of mine wants to do a similar thing for Mac's, I would link to it here, or eventually when I have to learn a mac, I'll write a Mac for Windows Users guide.
Alt-Tab - switches from program to program quickly
Ctrl-Tab - in programs with "tabs" like internet browsers it switches tabs
Win-Up - Makes a program maximized
Win-Left - Makes a program take up just the left half of the screen
Win-Right - Makes a program take up just the right half of the screen
Win-D - Minimizes everything so you just see your desktop
Win-Tab - Cycles through your programs like Alt-Tab, but differently
Ctrl-MouseWheel - Zooms in or out
PrintScreen - Takes a screen shot of the screen and stores it on the clipboard
Alt-F4 (don't do this one now!) closes your current program
Ctrl-F - Finds a word or phrase on a page
Shift-Arrows - Selects words, text, cells, slides, etc.
Shift-Click - Selects everything from your last click till now.
Ctrl-Click - Adds whatever you clicked to the selection
Right-Click - Brings up a list of different options
Right-Click and Drag - Brings up a list of options for dragging, usually move, copy, or Create-Shortcut
Ctrl-X - cut
Ctrl-C - Copy
Ctrl-V - Paste (yes, v is paste because P is print)
Ctrl-S - Save
Ctrl-A - Selects (all) everything on a page or file
Ctrl-Z - Undo!! Gets rid of the last thing you did -- like making a mistake
Ctrl-R - Right aligns things
Ctrl-E - Center aligns things
Ctrl-L - Left Aligns things
Ctrl-B - Bolds
Ctrl-I - Italicize
Ctrl-U - Underlines
Ctrl-K - Makes something a hyperlink
F9 - Recalculates all cells - useful if you have random digits in some cells
F5 - Starts running the powerpoint
Ctrl-F5 - Starts running the powerpoint from the current slide
B - puts a blank slide up while running powerpoint
Ctrl-M - creates a new slide
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