On top of my inadequacy, I also struggle with patience issues -- and lose my patience most often with my own children.
But enough about me -- I really just wanted to share a few thoughts I had while playing with Ellie.
Today I sat her up, and put a toy in front of her so she could practice sitting up. The toy was a little ball-like face that giggled whenever it shook. Ellie loved it, and giggled along with it for at least fifteen minutes. As I sat there enjoying it, I thought "Toy: this is your day. Until now, Ellie hasn't been strong enough to sit up and really enjoy you, and tomorrow she'll probably have grown up so far that you'll be boring. This is your day to shine -- so giggle on little one. Giggle on."
I know -- really deep right? But it did remind me of the popular Sunday school song:
This is the day
That the Lord has made
We will rejoice and be glad in it
It reminded me that our time is short. Our time as parents is short -- our kids are only young for so long! Every time I ignore Ellie is precious time I can't get back. Will I miss my "day" someday?
It also reminded me that our time on earth is short. We were made to honor and glorify God and how often I waste that time. Why? This is the day that the Lord has made! Giggle on!
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